This typical 2003 wine country home lacking openness flow between living quarters and communal space evolves into a contemporary interior remodel. The kitchen, dining room, living room, and office. Added sliding doors and larger windows to the dining room and living room to capture the wine country views. Dining Room and kitchen were divided and then opened to create connectivity and flow. Walnut Shaker cabinets by Plato Cabinetry by Kepler Design. Living Room focal points Ortal 3 sided fireplace from Israel. Exposed 3 glass face so it can be viewed from all sides. San Luis Marble Neolith man-made stone—material floating hearth.

Walnut Shaker cabinetry by Plato Cabinetry by Kepler Design

Living Room focal points Ortal 3 sided fireplace from Israel. Exposed 3 glass face so it can be viewed from all sides. San Luis Marble Neolith man-made stone - material floating hearth.

Added sliding doors and larger windows to dining room and living room to capture the wine country views.